Contact Us

If you want to comment on a specific W,L&L with Cheeky McB blog post/article there is a comments feature at the bottom of every piece.

If you want to contact us on a matter related to our Twitter-based services please "follow" one of our Twitter accounts and "@ reply" one of them in your correspondence. The "follow" may not seem necessary but we will only respond via Direct Message. This is mainly so as to keep our Twitter feeds purely devoted to show/film start times/dates but also has the side benefit of Direct Messages having a higher character allowance than normal Tweets and hence longer messages can be exchanged. In case you weren't aware Direct Messages can (usually) only be exchanged if each Twitter account owner follows each other, hence our request that you follow the account you try to contact us through. We will then follow you back so we can respond to your comments (so if you've marked your feed "private" please accept our "follow" request so we can answer any question you may have.

If you're not on Twitter and want to contact us and your correspondence isn't particular to specific post/article or any of our Twitter services (for instance you have comment/question on On The Horizon or Subtitle-Aholics) then please use the comment section below. We will attempt to respond there as soon as possible. Please note we reserve the right to delete all correspondence posted in the comments section if we deem it necessary (e.g. there are too many comments, we may remove old contributions to keep section readable and manageable to newcomers).

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